December Reflections on a Heck of a Year!

Looking back, ahead or both?

Whichever way you’re looking, I’m pretty sure we can all agree this year has been unlike any other. In this time when so many people are practically jumping out of their skin to get into 2021, I’m thinking about what wisdom we can carry into this next year and into our lives.

Understanding the expansive range of emotions and upheaval in response to all that has been 2020, it was my desire to focus my energy on staying positive, finding light where it seemed there was none and plunging into self-development to provide greater insight and support to myself, family, friends, clients and community.

Given this focus, I’ve wondered if the upbeat, Life as Your Best Self messages I’ve been conveying have seemed tone-deaf or insensitive.

If yes, that is definitely not my intention and I would like to illuminate this steadily moving, positivity train I am committed to staying on.

Having learned to reach for better feeling thoughts has been a stabilizing and enriching experience that is a welcome alternative to how so many of us were taught to respond to immense challenge.

Some may not agree with this approach but, I am standing atop my mental mountain stating that for a number of us, there is an easier way to go through life.

The perspective and response you decide to have will directly impact your experience and outcomes.

Hard times don’t have to be quite so difficult and challenges will provide wisdom and sage redirection; Decreasing daily criticism, judgment and negativity will improve the quality of your life in the day to day.

It’s good to feel good, and it’s there for the taking if you want it.

I know it’s possible. I believe it because I live it and I believe in the possibilities that exist for you to live Life as Your Best Self too.

I am holding positive thoughts for all of us.

 Love, Light + Happy Holidays,



Happy New Year…Pivoting Already!


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