Welcome to the Copilot Blog!

Aviva Brill

Welcome to my blog page! I’m thrilled to have you here with me. I really want to get to know you and don’t expect to do that without you also getting to know me.

On this page I’m going to explore things I come across that I think are interesting, useful and relevant to the work of being a best-life coach as well as including things here and there that I think are neat.

I loooove coaching and I love my areas of focus such as organizing mental clutter, gaining clarity, powerful reframing, the healing power of listening, and of course, tailoring steps my clients take to live their best life in the day-to-day.

The primary focus of my work, as you may already know, is to help others live life as their best self, but that is just the beginning.

I support women in learning how to live with the greatest, most profound sense of purpose and meaning, not just sometimes, not just when we are in the energetically high vibration of a coaching session-Nope. My desire is for my clients to feel energized, enlightened, inspired, motivated and excited for whatever is the next step they are driven to take.

I strive toward this myself, on a daily basis. Every morning I wake up and every night I go to sleep, I practice gratitude. I talk about it. I think about it. I look around me and see the abundance that is everywhere I look, and I am grateful.

I practice what I teach. I meditate, exercise, journal, eat clean, connect with loved ones, spend time in nature, surround myself with people whom I love, respect, admire and who inspire and support me to do and be more.

As a best-life coach (I do this for myself, too), I seek to develop and sharpen how my clients communicate with themselves and others. Being a clear, more honest communicator about what you feel, when you feel it, is one of the game-changing skills I teach my clients. 

Let me tell you though, it wasn’t always like this. Not that it was awful, but it was VERY different. Let me paint a picture…

I was uninspired. I was “busy” and unfulfilled. I slept 4-6 hours per night. I drank a lot of wine. I was really unhappy in my job. I was really unhappy in my relationship. It was like a slow drip of spiraling down into something that was beige, meh, average and so deeply miserable. I ate healthier than most people, and yet I had gut issues. I’d roll out of bed into my routine with little thought about how incredibly fortunate I was much less appreciating the multiple gifts that made up my day-to-day life.

I was sick, a lot. I was unhappy, a lot. I cried, a lot. I had poor boundaries in all kinds of areas of my life. Ach! Do I need to go on?

Can we get to the, “it’s better now” part? Yes, we can! Here it is. Right here, right now. Has it been perfect? No. Is it pretty, freaking awesome?? Well….yes. Yes it is!

And now, after more than 20 years of wanting something different, I do work that I love. I believe I said that already, and it is something I am jumping up and down about, every day. I am healthier, stronger, happier, more energized (even when I’m tired), and I sleep 7+ quality hours every night, for the first time in my adult life!! I cook all of my meals (unless I don’t feel like it). I am no longer in unhealthy relationships, I have much, much better boundaries in all kinds of areas in my life, I make faster, better decisions. There is much in my life for which I am grateful. So very much.

Okay, enough already. You get the idea. It’s good over here and getting better all the time…even when the road is bumpy (and it still is sometimes, but I handle it so differently than I did before). 

So, here’s my question to you: If you made it this far down this blog post, do you want to join me? It feels inspired, meaningful, on-purpose and fun over here. If you’d like to create your own version, let’s get on the phone and talk about you and your vision for your life. You deserve it. You really do. 


December Reflections on a Heck of a Year!


February: Love Yourself Through One Small Change!