Eating Right for YOUR Body

If you really think about it, it's incredible how beautifully individual each of our bodies are and how differently we each need to eat. And yet, we are told to eat in one prescriptive manner. The more I think about the impact of food on the body and its correlation to quality of life, the more I see they are intrinsically linked. Here's a brief example: 

I have a client who has struggled for years with leaky gut but did not know what that is nor what was causing it. Recently, after barely being able to get out of bed, unable to go to work or play with his child, he agreed to cut gluten out of his diet and add more green and fresh foods. And literally, like magic, he felt better. Brain fog went away, strength and stamina returned and even the whites of his eyes started to clear. And, on top of everything else, his mood stabilized and lightened. As a result, his quality of life went up immensely because he could think and function well. All of this happened in three days. Imagine the improvements that will take place in three months! 

The possibility for positive change becomes endless.

What would you do if you could make one great change to your food/quality of life correlation?


Healthy is Not Just About the Food You Eat....